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Gaga for Google or Wild About Wikipedia?

So what, exactly, do students think about research, anyway? Caity Selleck and Emily Gover, the in-house librarians for ResearchReady and EasyBib, wanted to find out. They put a survey out there for the millions of EasyBib users, asking students about Wikipedia, plagiarism, and the technology they need to do their research. After analyzing the 3,000 responses, and comparing them to what you, the librarian and educator, had to say, they found some pretty interesting results!

Join Caity and Emily for a discussion of student perceptions of libraries and research and suggestions for what we can do to change them!

Webinar Information

Date: Thursday, October 24 @ 9 AM Central (10 AM Eastern)

Registration link:

This session will be archived so please register if you are not able to attend live to receive link to archive.

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