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Webinar series — Managing Digital Content Over Time: An Introduction to Digital Preservation

Organizations of all kinds create and use a wide variety of digital resources in the course of business. These resources represent each organization’s intellectual capital and, as such, have value and need to be carefully managed and preserved. While many of the traditional resources found in libraries, archives, museums, and other cultural heritage institutions–books, photographs, objects–can survive for years with no intervention, digital content is much more fragile. Managing it requires ongoing care and preservation activities to ensure continued access far into the future.

This workshop—sponsored by Minitex and based on the Library of Congress Digital Preservation Outreach and Education (DPOE) Program curriculum—introduces fundamental concepts for managing your digital content over time through a series of six modules.

Identify – what digital content do you have?
Select – what portion of that content is your responsibility to preserve?
Store – what issues are there for long-term storage?
Protect – what steps need to be taken to protect your digital content?
Manage – what provisions should be made for long-term management?
Provide – what considerations are there for long-term access?

The workshop will:

  • Provide an overview of digital content management stages
  • Suggest concrete steps for each stage
  • Help identify specific next steps for you, and
  • Recommend additional sources to consult after the workshop

Online Course Details

Session 1: February 5, 2014, 10:00 a.m. – noon, CST
Session 2: February 19, 2014, 10 a.m. – noon, CST
Session 3: March 5, 2014, 10 a.m. – noon, CST

Registration deadline: January 31, 2014. Registration fee discounts are available for Minitex members and members of the Wisconsin library community.

Register for “Managing Digital Content Over Time: An Introduction to Digital Preservation” (Online Course)


This introductory series is for staff of any library, archive, museum, or other organization concerned about the long-term care of their digital resources. No previous knowledge about the topic of digital preservation is assumed.


There are no prerequisites to attend, but you will be asked to complete a short informational survey before the first session and a summary of the results will be shared with the group.


The content will be presented by the following trainers who are certified as part of the DPOE National Trainer Network.

Stephanie Kom, North Dakota State Library
Carol Kussmann, University of Minnesota Libraries
Sara Ring, Minitex

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