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OCLC Learning Opportunity: Tailoring Assessment Strategies for Your Library

OCLC’s Collective Insight series offers this opportunity to learn to define the practice of assessment, explore what drives a successful assessment program, and identify practical tools and techniques that may be tailored to use in reaching the specific assessment goals of your library.  Join OCLC and the Boston Library Consortium on April 22nd from 830-12:00 ET for this free webinar.

Librarians find themselves in an ever-shifting landscape where tight budgets, increased electronic material purchasing, and ever-expanding user expectations influence the use and the perceived value of the library. Central to a library’s success will be the ability to present compelling evidence, backed by data to demonstrate the library’s contribution to their institution’s mission and goals. A key component to determining and expressing the value of the library is increasingly being drawn from a successful assessment program.

Date:  April 22, 2014

Time: 8:30 am to 12:00 pm, Eastern Time
Live-streamed from Brandeis University, Waltham, MA


9:00 am—Welcome: Rob Favini, Member Liaison, OCLC, and Susan Stearns, Boston Library Consortium
9:15 am—Keynote: Lynn Silipigni Connaway, Senior Research Scientist, OCLC and Marie Radford, Chair of the Department of Information and Library Studies, Rutgers University School of Communication & Information

10:30 am—Break

10:45 am—Panel and discussion

  • Linda Plunket, Associate University Librarian for Graduate and Research Services and  Chair of the Boston Liibrary Consortium’s Community of Interest on Assessment, Boston University
  • Karen Merguerian, User Engagement Librarian, Northeastern University
  • Rachel Lewellen, Assessment Librarian, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
  • Lisa Horowitz, Assessment Librarian, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

11:45 am—Summary and closing thoughts

Register to attend virtually>>

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