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WiLS New Vendor Partner: c.Cal Design

c.Cal_design_printmakingWiLS is pleased to announce a new direct order agreement with art programming provider c.Cal Design! WiLS Cooperative Purchasing members receive a 10% discount on services.

c.Cal Design provides art programming screen print workshops, driven by excitement to share process and the creation of a learning environment focused on accomplishing a set goal. Workshop participants will participate in varying levels of the screen printing process, from simply printing pre-exposed screens to full drawing and creation of their own screens to print. While workshops provide the opportunity to create screen prints, the total experience provides the maker with a deeper connection to the prints they are creating through process.  Read more about c.Cal Design Educational Programming.

To order, contact  and don’t forget to mention that you are a WiLS member!  (Oh, you’re not?  Read all about WiLS Cooperative Purchasing program here.)


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