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WiLS 2016 Membership Meeting – At Your Desk!

Join us for WiLS’ very first virtual membership meeting!  In order to accommodate all the varied and hectic schedules of our diverse membership, we have moved our membership meeting from WiLSWorld to a virtual meeting so it’s more convenient for you to participate.  We hope you will be able to attend!

The meeting will be held via GoToWebinar on Thursday, February 18th, from 10:00-11:30.  Join us to hear from voices within our community on things learned in 2015 from outside the library world (and how they’ve been applied at their libraries), as well as news on what WiLS is up to and is going to be up to in the coming months.  We are also excited to get your input on how WiLS can improve and develop to meet your growing and changing needs.

You can choose to register in advance, or just join us the day of the meeting at

We hope to “see” you there!

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