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Ask Community Businesses to Support Library Funding Through CCLI

The Corporate Committee for Library Investment (CCLI) is an organization of businesses of all kinds united by the common belief that America’s libraries are business-building, job-creating, workforce-preparing engines of the U.S. economy in every corner of the country. CCLI will work to maximize federal funding for the nation’s libraries by educating Congress and other federal policymakers about the extraordinary value to businesses and taxpayers of federal investment in America’s libraries of all kinds.

The participating businesses include a number of WiLS’ vendor partners and we are very grateful for their commitment to investing in the work our members do in their libraries, ALA has applauded these efforts as well.

You can encourage your local businesses to add their names to the letter CCLI has sent to every member of the United States Senate urging them to fund critical library programs in FY 2018.


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