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ALA Call to Action – Save the IMLS

Right now, the members of the “Labor HHS” Subcommittees are working on the FY18 budget. If your Representative and/or your Senators sit on the all-important “Labor HHS” Subcommittees, please ask them to fund LSTA at $186.6 million and IAL at $27 million in FY 2018.  Constituents of Representative Mark Pocan are encouraged to contact their DC office immediately through the ALA Legislative Action Center to urge support for IMLS, and $186.6 million for LSTA and $27 million for IAL in FY 2018. The Center is all set to permit anyone entering a zip code in your Congressperson’s District to use its draft email message or to customize the text as they wish.

Send a letter to Mark Pocan here at

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