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WiLSWorld Shorts: Open Educational Resources: The State of the State

Thank you to all who attended, presented at our WiLSWorld Shorts: OER – The State of the State session on Friday, September 7th at 1:00pm! Slides are here and the recording is available here. We hope to see you next time!

Open Educational Resources (OER) are on the minds of many librarians across the state as a way to further the library’s educational mission, to reduce educational costs for students, to retain access to and leverage faculty publications, and to broaden access generally to educational materials. A number of colleges and organizations have launched OER initiatives and in this webinar on Friday, September 7th at 1:00pm, we will learn more about four of them: Chippewa Valley Tech’s Affordable Resource Movement Initiative, DPI’s WISELearn initiative, UW-Stout’s E-ffordabilty Summit, and UW-Milwaukee’s OER work. We’ll also hear what other states are doing to support OER and what is on the horizon for the Community for Open Wisconsin, the WLA OER Special Interest Group.

Presenters: Bob Butterfield (UW-Stout), Vince Mussehl (Chippewa Valley Technical College), Elizabeth Neuman (DPI), Kristin Woodward (UW-Milwaukee)

WiLSWorld Shorts are quarterly, free webinars to continue the learning that happens at WiLSWorld all year long!  These webinars are designed to do all the same things as WiLSWorld – connect our member community around important issues, foster the exchange of ideas, and help members form professional connections and collaborations to get done what they need to get done.

The meeting will be recorded and shared but we do hope to see you there!  If you have suggestions for other topics you’d like to hear more about or that you’d like to share with other WiLS members in WiLSWorld Shorts, contact us at .

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