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Omnigraphics, Inc. – New Discounts and Free Trials!

WiLS vendor-partner and WiLSWorld 2019 sponsor, Omnigraphics, Inc. has just implemented an exciting new discount structure for WiLS members. Here are the details:

  • 20% Discount: All Print Sourcebooks, Encyclopedias, Handbooks, etc
  • 30% Discount: All 1st year Online Databases (E-books included)
  • 40% Discount: All 2nd year Online Databases (E-books included)

But the excitement doesn’t stop there! Omnigraphics is offering free trials on two of their stellar resources: Health Reference Series Online and Teen Resource Center Online! Sign your institution up for a free trial by following this link. Don’t forget that Omnigraphics is an “order direct” vendor, so you can order your resources right from their website. You can find out more about Omnigraphics, including the discount code for WiLS members, on our site!

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