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Annual ILL Meeting—April 1st, 2015

Photo Credit: Heidi Elliot

Photo Credit: Heidi Elliot


8:45-9:30 – Check-in and Refreshments

9:30-10:45 – Keynote: Libraries Leading the Way: How Library-Developed Technology Can Change How Libraries Do Business
Ryan Litsey, Assistant Librarian, Document Delivery – Texas Tech University
Kenny Ketner, Software Development Manager – Texas Tech University

Occam’s Reader is the first library-developed method to lend eBooks via interlibrary loan. It advances the discussion between libraries and publishers about how we can work together to meet the needs of our patrons in an increasingly digital world. We will share the vision of the project, lessons learned, and how library values are more important than ever in these turbulent times.

Libraries Leading the Way: How Library-Developed Technology Can Change How Libraries Do Business from WiLS


10:45-11:00 Break

11:00-12:00 – Large Group Discussion
How would you make resource sharing better and easier for yourselves and your patrons in an ideal world? It seems like nearly every library or system is involved in some kind of major change, whether it’s implementing a new ILS or LSP, working with a new discovery service, or merging/separating services with partners. In that environment, what can we do to maintain and improve our critical Resource Sharing services?



1:00 – 2:00 – Minitex Resource Sharing
Raquel Franklin, Library Manager of Resource Sharing – Minitex
Agnes Lee, Resource Sharing Manager – Minitex

Raquel and Agnes will give us an overview of Minitex Resource Sharing and their collaboration with Wisconsin libraries.

2:00 – 2:15 – Break

2:15 – 3:15 – Putting the Pieces Together:  Great ILL Service and Your Library
Christine Barth,  ILL Coordinator – Resources for Libraries & Lifelong Learning
Maureen Welch, Reference & ILL Coordinator – Indianhead Library System

The best Interlibrary Loan service incorporates all aspects of the library – reference, circulation, collection development, patron service – and bringing them together to connect your community with the information they need.  Great ILL  starts with understanding your library’s responsibilities as borrower and lender, writing generous but fair policies, following ILL best practices, and developing efficient procedures.

Putting the Pieces Together: Great ILL Service and Your Library from WiLS


1:00 – 2:00 – OCLC Update and WorldShare ILL / ILLiad Best Practices Discussion
Jeff Brunner – WiLS

Jeff will present a report about what’s new in the OCLC Resource Sharing world. He will also host a discussion about best practices in WorldShare ILL and ILLiad. This is also a chance to offer feedback on your usage of their systems including updates and changes that you might suggest.

OCLC Update and WorldShare ILL / ILLiad Best Practices Discussion from WiLS

2:00 – 2:15 – Break

2:00 – 2:45 – Resource sharing with the OCLC Knowledge Base
Mitchell Scott, Resource Sharing Librarian – UW-Green Bay
Cheryl Nessman, Director of Library Support Services – UW-Colleges
Kelly Johnson, Reference and ILL Librarian – UW-Fox Valley
Laurie Petri, Academic Librarian – UW-Marshfield

The OCLC Knowledge Base has many benefits to a resource sharing operation.  UW-Green Bay and UW-Colleges have implemented the Knowledge Base and use its features to streamline workflows in borrowing and lending and to automate certain portions of ILL borrowing. This panel will discuss the easy implementation and maintenance of the OCLC Knowledge Base, the features that contribute to more efficient ILL workflows, and how certain aspects of borrowing can be automated with Direct Request and the Knowledge Base.  We will also discuss the importance of making your electronic collection available through ILL, the effect this has on turn-around times, and its effect on ILL cost containment.

Resource sharing with the OCLC Knowledge Base from WiLS