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Annual ILL Meeting—October 5, 2010

Annual ILL Meeting 2010
Annual Meeting Theme: The Future of Resource Sharing

WiLS and Resources for Libraries and Lifelong Learning (RL&LL) hosted
the fall interlibrary loan meeting at the Pyle Center.

8:30-9:30 Sign-in and coffee
9:30-10::45 Keynote by Lars Leon: What Will We (Resource Sharing) Be Doing in Three Years?
Lars Leon is the head of Resource Sharing and Delivery Services at the University of Kansas Libraries.
What will our services look like? What will staff be doing? What training and development should we be doing now to prepare for the services of the future? The ILL community has many layered connections between different types of libraries, size of libraries, geographic locations, economics, and more and in his presentation, Lars will be exploring these connections.I look forward to sharing these ideas with an emphasis on what can be done locally and within a group of libraries. I recognize there is a difference between the small public library where one person does ILL, reference, cataloging, and even reads at story time! While at a big academic library someone may only (now) do ILL Borrowing. I look forward to identifying those common needs as well as differences. In addition, I’ll likely find skills that will be useful for years to come along with ideas on new ones. Ultimately this should mean there are plenty of opportunities but everyone should get started soon if you haven’t. – Lars Leon (Kansas)See session powerpoint show or pdf, and handout in Word doc or docx.
10:45-11:00 Break
11:00-12:00 Round table Session—The Ever Changing Formats of Information and its Effects on Resource Sharing
Mark Beatty of WiLS,
Jeff Brunner of UW-Green Bay
Steph Morrill of South Central Library System
Round table Session The ever changing formats of information and its affects on ILL…Is this the start of a new beginning or the end of a service?The panelists will explore questions and ideas about the nature of ILL and how it is changing as a result of mobile devices, mobile content, copyright, and patron expectations.
12:00-1:00 Lunch at the Pyle Center
1:00-2:00 Resource Sharing Challenges: Managing Operations, Changing Budgets, and Higher Expectations
Heather Weltin,UW-Madison
David Sleasman, RL&LL
Resource Sharing Challenges: Managing Operations, Changing Budgets, and Higher Expectations Heather Weltin, David Sleasman Shrinking budgets and higher expectations continue to be major drivers of innovations and creative solutions to managing ILL operations. Heather and David will discuss challenges at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and Resources for Libraries & Lifelong Learning and how each has been working to do more with less.See presentation ppt or pdf.
2:00-2:15 Break
2:15-3:30 Speed Dating: Three 20-minute presentations

  1. UW Forward: Over 8 million UW-System library items. Choose your school. Get searching.
    Eric Larson (UW-Madison)Forward is a Resource Discovery experiment that builds a unified search interface for library data. Today Forward is 100% of the UW System Library catalogs and two UW digital collections. The project also experiments with additional search contextualization by using web service APIs. See presentation pdf.
  2. Federal Broadband for Wisconsin
    Bob Bocher (WI Deptartment of Public Instruction) Recently it was announced that Wisconsin will receive $65,214,896 in loan and grant funding from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Broadband Initiatives Program. These funds will be used to create broadband infrastructure to provide rural communities in Wisconsin with access to high speed internet service.
  3. Purchase on Demand: Patron-Initiated Collection Development
    Beth Price (Madison Public Library)Purchase on Demand has been gaining in the journals and book market for some time. Libraries often weigh costs associated with a journal subscription and book purchase against usage/demand, considering what it may cost to purchase a few articles patrons may request when needed. See presentation pps or pdf.