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WiLSWorld 2017 At A Glance

WiLSWorld 2017 – Thursday, July 27th

9:00-9:15 Welcome and Introductions                                          
9:15-10:30 Keynote Address: What We Can Learn from Digital Failures

Room 325-326

Dr. Safiya Noble, Assistant Professor in the Annenberg School of Communication, University of Southern California (USC)

10:30-10:45 Break
10:45-11:30  Concurrent Sessions I
10:45-11:30 The Equity and Diversity Committee (EDC) at UW-Madison Libraries: Lessons Learned in the First Year

Room 325-326

Karla Strand, Gender and Women’s Studies Librarian. UW-Madison

Cat Phan, Digital and Media Archivist for the University Archives, UW-Madison

Jennifer Haukohl, Financial Specialist Senior, UW-Madison

10:45-11:30  Making Sense of Library UX

Room 335

Angie Schoeneck, Growth Strategy Manager, Demco

10:45-11:30  Libraries and K-12 Schools: Partnering for Library Access

Room 313

Steve Heser, Library Systems Administrator, Milwaukee County Federated Library System

Steve Ohs, Administrator, Lakeshores Library System

11:45-12:45  Lunch (included)
1:00-2:15  Afternoon Plenary: Something Wicked Awesome This Way Comes

Room 325-326

Joe Kirgues, Co-Founder and Managing Director, gener8tor Madison and Milwaukee

Carrie Kruse, Director of College Library, User Experience, and Library Spaces, UW-Madison

Tasha Saecker, Assistant Director, Appleton Public Library

2:15-2:30 Break
2:30-3:30  Concurrent Sessions II
2:30-3:30  Setting a Course for Success: Getting Started with Digital Preservation in Your Library

Room 313

Anita Doering, Senior Archivist and Archives Manager, La Crosse Public Library

Stacey Erdman, Digital Archivist, Beloit College

2:30-3:30  Virtual Reality in the Library

Room 335

Brian Kopetsky, Assistant Director, McMillan Memorial Library

Jane Roisum, Library Manager, Fox Valley Technical College

Josh Janikowski, Mobile Application Developer, Wisc-Online

2:30-3:30  Uses and Strategies of Data for Libraries

Room 325-326

Anne Hamland, Communications Coordinator, Wisconsin Valley Library Service

Steve Meyer, Data Strategist, UW-Madison

Doug Way, Associate University Librarian for Collections and Research Services, UW-Madison

3:30-3:45 Break
3:45-4:30 Concurrent Sessions III
3:45-4:30 Promoting Your Library: A Case Study

Room 313

Terri Fleming, Community Information Coordinator, Fond du Lac Public Library

3:45-4:30 If They Only Knew: How Librarians Collaborate to Support Literacy Across School, Public, and Academic Libraries

Room 325-326

Teri Holford, Academic Engagement & Curriculum Collection Librarian, UW-La Crosse

Liz Humrickhouse, Assistant Professor and Academic Librarian, UW-La Crosse

3:45-4:30 The Privacy Paradox: What it Means for Your Library, Your Patrons, and You

Room 335

Ben Miller, Assistant Director, DPI Resources for Libraries and Lifelong Learning

5:00 Happy Hour(s)!

WiLSWorld Workshops – Friday, July 28th

8:30-9:00 Registration and Coffee
9:00-12:00 Morning Workshops
9:00-12:00 Making the Most of Demographic Data for Libraries

Room 226

Malia Jones, Assistant Scientist (Health Geography-GIS), UW-Madison Applied Population Lab

Caitlin McKown, Web Developer, UW-Madison Applied Population Lab

9:00-12:00 Project Management Techniques for Non-Project Managers

Room 225

Dan Kramarz, Project Manager, State of Wisconsin

12:00-1:00 Lunch (on your own)
1:00-4:00 Afternoon Workshops
1:00-4:00 Getting Started with Tableau

Room 226

Kate Clark, Administrative & Operations Coordinator, WiLS

Melody Clark, Community Liaison / Service Specialist, WiLS

Stef Morrill, Director, WiLS

Cancellations must be made at least two business days prior to the event in order to receive a refund. If a registrant cancels less than two working days prior to the date of the event, the registrant remains responsible for payment; no fees will be refunded.

A substitute may take the place of the original registrant, but either the registrant or their institution is responsible for coordinating and communicating changes to WiLS. Cancellations and/or substitutions may be reported to Coop Info.

If an event is canceled by WiLS, due to low registration or inclement weather, registrants will be notified and fees will be refunded.