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2017-2019 State Budget Update and Action

There was an amazing turnout of librarians, trustees and citizen library supporters to provide testimony at six public hearings before the powerful Joint Committee on FinanceĀ in April!

The committee of 16 legislators includes 8 each from the senate and assembly (12 from the majority party and 4 from the minority party). Other legislators communicate their priorities to their JFC member “budget buddies.”

ACTION ITEM: Send your Assembly Representative and Senator a friendly message.

  1. You can express regret that you could not attend one of the Joint Finance Committee hearings in April to join your colleagues who supported library funding requests in the 2017-2019 state budget.
  2. Then extend an invitation for the legislators to hold a listening session or office hours at your library, or just drop by anytime so you can show them the ways in which library services are important to the people you both serve.

Need a refresher on WLA’s state budget priorities and talking points?

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