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WiLS Learning Opportunities and 2020 Events

Over the last several months, WiLS staff and board have been reevaluating our learning opportunities to better understand our members’ needs and to figure out better paths to meet them. While we have absolutely loved putting together WiLSWorld and Peer Council, two of the many learning opportunities WiLS has long offered the library community, we have decided not to hold either event in 2020.

Bringing together people from all over the state (and surrounding area) and from all types of libraries to learn from and with each other at these events has been an incredible experience for WiLS. We are sincerely grateful to everyone who has offered their expertise and support – as presenters, planning team members, and sponsors.

In 2020, we will focus our time and resources on developing an even better understanding of the professional development landscape and what is needed to deliver top-notch, accessible, and affordable learning opportunities to our members. We know there are many first-rate conferences and workshops offered throughout the state and we will continue to share information about those opportunities in our Community Chronicle and on our Facebook page. We will also continue to provide virtual learning opportunities such as WiLSWorld Shorts and Taco Tuesdays and we will add new opportunities as we learn about the needs of our members.

We want to head where you are headed and we want to be responsive to what will serve you best with the most impact. We welcome your feedback and ideas about the learning opportunities offered by WiLS. Please feel free to share them with us at .

Thank you!

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