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Potential New Partner: BizMiner

WiLS is once again considering a new vendor partner: BizMiner and we’d like your feedback!

From the vendor:
“BizMiner is used by students and faculty in management, marketing, entrepreneurship, accounting, nonprofit management, arts administration, economic development, and related areas. BizMiner specializes in providing national, state, and local financial benchmarking, market data, and business valuation tools at a much greater level of industry definition than the Economic Census, and with annual data up to the present (unlike Census data).

There are a few key differences that set BizMiner apart from other industry research databases, while also making us a nice complimenting database to some of the larger players. These include our proprietary industry classification system, which categorizes over 9,000 industry segments – our local coverage, which ranges from the US down to the zip-code, and our emphasis on hard to find small business and startup information. What this means is that instead of settling for broad industries and national or regional data, users can drill down to very specific industry segments and local market area (for example, researching the coffee shop industry in Eau Claire, or Pet Washing & Grooming in Dane County). These features are especially useful for entrepreneurship and small business management programs.”

Learn more here:

So to gauge potential member interest, we’re co-hosting an informational webinar on February 21st. Here are the details:

Date: 2/21/2020
Time: 2:00 PM Central

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