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Vendor Partner COVID-19 Support: ProQuest for Academic Libraries

WiLS has received the following from our vendor partner ProQuest:

Dear Colleague,
ProQuest just announced the launch of a Coronavirus Research Database in response to the rapidly growing need for authoritative content related to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). The new cross-disciplinary resource enables researchers to search and discover full-text articles, dissertations and other content from key publishers in one place.

No-Cost Access
The Coronavirus Research Database has been automatically enabled at no cost for all ProQuest platform customers, and can be accessed at

Access Turned on Automatically, No Action Required
No action is required by librarians to switch on access in library’s holdings. The resource is active as of 31st March 2020 and will appear in the list of databases for users to access immediately.

For more information, please refer to the Press Release and Q&A file

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