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Cooperative Purchasing Subscription Cancellation Policy

Submitting an order or confirming a subscription renewal is a commitment for purchase between a WiLS member and the vendor. Upon receipt of an order, WiLS makes a contractual agreement on our members’ behalf with the vendor partner and begins the payment process right away to maintain positive relationships with those partners and to ensure uninterrupted service. 

If you request to cancel a previously-confirmed subscription past its start date, we will work with the vendor to cancel and refund the full or prorated subscription amount. WiLS makes every effort to advocate for you when a shift in budgetary circumstances requires you to cancel a subscription through WiLS to which you have already committed. However, if the vendor does not agree to a refund, ultimately, you are responsible for full payment of that subscription.

If you have questions or would like to talk about cancellation options available, contact us at .