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Local History and Historic Preservation Conference October 11-12

The seventh annual Local History and Historic Preservation Conference will take place in Wisconsin Rapids on October 11 and 12. This statewide conference, sponsored by the Wisconsin Historical Society and the Wisconsin Council for Local History, offers in-depth sessions with experts in the field, tips to help expand your current outreach, and fun networking opportunities!

A ful conference agenda and registration information are available here.

Sessions and workshops that libraries will find especially valuable include:

Building Digital Collections Part 1: Planning and Creating a Digital Project
Building Digital Collection Part 2: Managing and Sharing Your Digital Content
Emily Pfotenhauer, WiLS and Sarah Grimm, Electronic Records Archivist, WHS

Archives 101: Processing Archival Collections
Richard L. Pifer, Director of Reference and Public Services, WHS
Archives 102: Public Services for Archival Collections
Greg Kocken, University Archivist, UW-Eau Claire and Peter Shrake, Archivist, Circus World Museum

Preserving Photographs: The Basics
Sally Jacobs, Archivist, WHS

Oversize, Overwhelmed? (Managing Oversized Paper Collections)
Robin Carlson, Conservator, WHS

Sharing Collections on the Web
Michael Edmonds, Digital Collections and Web Services, WHS

Fundraising Success Fundamentals
Diane Nix, Co-Director, Wisconsin Historical Foundation

Getting the Most from Your Local History and Family History Research
James Hibbard, University Archivist, UW-Platteville

Connecting Young Audiences to People and Places in History
Bobbie Malone, Office of School Services, WHS and Beth Lemke, Museum Educator, Wisconsin Historical Museum

Bringing “Them” on Board: Engaging Your Community
Jason Tish, Madison Trust for Historic Preservation and Destinee Udelhoven, Historic Indian Agency House

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