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WiLSWorld Shorts: Intellectual Freedom Refresher with the ALA Office for Intellectual Freedom

This edition of WiLSWorld Shorts was held on Friday, March 25th at 1:00 pm. You can find the recording on our YouTube channel!

Please join us in welcoming Kristin Pekoll, ALA’s Office for Intellectual Freedom Assistant Director, to the WiLSWorld Shorts stage on Friday, March 25th at 1:00 pm!

Across Wisconsin and the United States, there has been a striking increase in challenges to library resources. In its November statement opposing widespread efforts to censor books in U.S. schools and libraries, ALA states “Some of these groups even resort to intimidation and threats to achieve their ends, targeting the safety and livelihoods of

Kristin Pekoll headshot

Kristin Pekoll

library workers, educators, and board members who have dedicated themselves to public service, to informing our communities, and educating our youth.” This webinar will provide a timely refresher of intellectual freedom principles, updated trends, concrete steps to defend access to information, and where to turn if you need guidance or support.


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