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Come one, come all!  The Wisconsin Library Association conference is October 23-25 in Green Bay, WI.  WiLS will be there.  We look forward to seeing you at our booth and presentations.

In our booth (Booth 205), we’ll be featuring information about new services.  We’ll also be verifying contact information, showing images from Green Bay gone by, recruiting experts for our new Experts Connection service, and…oh yeah…giving away a giant blow-up Packer. Stop by to learn more!

WiLS staff is also doing some presenting during the conference:

  • Jeff Brunner is presenting and moderating a discussion on WorldShare ILL: Wednesday, October 23, 4:30 p.m.
  • Stef Morrill is presenting on leadership in interesting times:  Thursday, October 24, 11:00 a.m.
  • Emily Pfotenhauer is conducting a 3 hour start-to-finish session on designing a successful digital project : Friday, October 25, 8:30 a.m.
  • …and Bruce Smith is coordinating the Librarians Rock! fundraiser for the Wisconsin Library Association conference: Wednesday, October 23, 8:00 p.m.

See you there!

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