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WiLSWorld Conference—July 29-30, 2014

Thank you for attending WiLSWorld2014, Wisconsin’s two-day library innovation and technologies forum hosted by WiLS!

When:  July 29th – 30th, 2014
Where:  Pyle Center, 702 Langdon Street, Madison WI


WiLS is proud to announce that the opening keynote address for WiLSWorld 2014 will be delivered by Daniel W. Rasmus!

Daniel Rasmus Head Shot

Mr. Rasmus, author of Listening to the Future and Management by Design, is a strategist and industry analyst who helps libraries and other clients put their future in context. Rasmus uses scenarios to analyze trends in society, technology, economics, the environment, and politics in order to discover implications used to develop and refine products, services and experiences.  Rasmus writes regularly about the future at Fast CompanyiPhone LifePopMatters and on his own blog: Your Future in Context. His education related work can be found at Learning Reimagined.

Read more about Daniel here.

Conference Presentations

For the full conference schedule with program descriptions, click here.

Monday, July 28th

9:00 am-5:00 pm      Preconference Workshop at Madison Public Library, Central

How to Hack It: An Intro to Coding With the WorldCat Search API
Steve Meyer, Technical Platform Project Manager, OCLC

Tuesday, July 29th

8:30-9:00          Registration and Coffee

9:00-9:15           Welcome and Introductions

9:15-10:15           Keynote Address with  Daniel W. Rasmus

10:30-11:30        Concurrent Sessions

Q&A with Daniel W. Rasmus

New Project Workshop:  A Place to Start Working on Your Good Ideas
Dan Reed, Managing Director, American Family Ventures
Ellen Jacks, Grants Librarian, UW-Madison Memorial Library
Paula Kiely, Director, Milwaukee Public Library

When You Love Something, Set It Free: Let Your Catalog Get Lost Among the Web of Data
Steve Meyer, Technical Platform Project Manager, OCLC

11:45-1:15           Member Lunch and Collaboration Auction

1:30-2:15            Exhibitor Showcase

2:30-3:30          Concurrent Sessions

Wanna Be Friends and Maybe Do Some Cool Stuff?
Stef Morrill, Director, WiLS

Discovery Layers – Collaboration and Implementation
Terri Muraski, Information Systems Librarian and Associate Professor, UW-Stevens Point
Kelly Kroes, WISPALS Consortium Coordinator, Gateway Technical College

Spreading the Word: Novel Marketing For Your Library and Services
Tina Babler, Marketing Library Assistant, Appleton Public Library

Angela Meyers, Public Relations & Special Needs Librarian, Waukesha County Federated Library System
Mellanie Mercier, Library Automation Coordinator, Waukesha County Federated Library System

3:45-4:45           Concurrent Sessions

Learning from Failure:  A Support Group
Andrea Coffin, Community Liaison / Service Specialist, WiLS

Digital Humanities – How Libraries Can Be Involved
Jon McKenzie, Director, DesignLab
Kelly Hiser, Digital Humanities Fellow, UW-Madison / Madison Public Library

Innovative Ways to Use Library Space
Bill Robison, Architect and Partner, Engberg Anderson
Kristin Vogel, Director, Mulva Library at St. Norbert College
Kim Boldt, Systems Librarian, St. Norbert College

Julie Gores, Library Director, Libraries & Academic Support Services, Madison College
Donna Marconnet, Technology Librarian, Madison College

5:00-6:00          Cocktail Hour at Pyle Center

Wednesday, July 30th

8:30-9:00          Sign-in and Coffee

9:00-10:15         Keynote Panel – Big Changes, Big Rewards

Greg Mickells, Director, Madison Public Library
Lisa Viezbicke, Director, Morse Library, Beloit College

Patrick Wilkinson, Director, Forrest R. Polk Library, UW-Oshkosh

10:30-11:15        Concurrent Sessions

Q&A with Keynote Panel

Evaluation and Assessment of Services
Maccabee Levine, Head of Library Technology Services, Polk Library, UW-Oshkosh

Barbara Brattin, Director, Kenosha Public Library

David Ziembiec,Director of Business Solutions + Data Analytics, Cengage Learning

Kitchen Library:  Fostering Creativity
Laura Damon-Moore, Cofounder/Editor, Library as Incubator Project; Assistant Director, Eager Free Public Library
Erinn Batykefer, Cofounder/Editor, Library as Incubator Project; Assistant Librarian, Alicia Ashman branch, Madison Public Library
Tana Elias, Digital Services & Marketing Manager, Madison Public Library

11:30-12:15        Technology Mixer Inventory

12:30                Birds of a Feather Lunch at Memorial Union