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WiLS Policy on In-Person Meetings

Adopted June 2021, reviewed August 2021

Purpose: To ensure a safe and effective meeting environment for WiLS staff, members, partners, and other communities with whom we interact during in-person meetings or events. 

Background: WiLS cares deeply about the safety and security of our staff and the communities we serve. We strive to create meeting and event environments that are inviting and minimize health risks to participants. With that mindset, WiLS adopted a temporary ban on any in-person meetings due to the COVID-19 pandemic throughout most of 2020. In accordance with guidance from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), beginning June 1, 2021, staff may resume holding or attending in-person meetings on behalf of WiLS assuming the below meeting protocols are followed. 

Policy revisions: CDC guidance will continue to inform decisions on how we meet and interact with our colleagues and others. This policy will be revisited regularly and is subject to change based on changing public health directives.

General meeting protocols: The requirements below will be followed whenever WiLS is hosting or facilitating a meeting. Any stricter local, regional, or state level requirements for in-person gatherings will supersede the WiLS guidelines. Meeting requirements and expectations will be shared in advance with all participants in meeting notifications and agendas.

  • Masks are required for any unvaccinated participants including WiLS staff, member library staff, and community members. Masks will be made available by the meeting host. 
  • Vaccinated individuals must follow the latest CDC recommendations for masking indoors. Local requirements set by the facility or other local authorities may require the use of face coverings in indoor spaces.
  • Meeting participants experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms, awaiting results of a COVID-19 test, or anyone exposed to someone with COVID-19 within the last 14 days should not attend any WiLS meeting. 
  • Social distancing will be encouraged and the meeting room layout will support proper social distancing whenever possible, particularly during peak influenza season. A limit on the number of participants may be established depending on meeting room capacity.
  • For WiLS hosted or facilitated meetings, remote connection options will be made available to allow participants’ flexible access. It is expected that WiLS’ hosted in-person meetings will have a WiLS staff member present on location.

Additional considerations for internal WiLS meetings, staff interactions, and gatherings

Because internal meetings or gatherings may be of a longer duration or could put staff members in close proximity with one another, the above guidelines should be followed for meetings and interactions between staff members. Special consideration should be given to carpooling. Staff may want to consider holding meetings outdoors when possible or finding a location that meets everyone’s comfort level. As stated in the above meeting expectations, unvaccinated staff will be required to remain masked during internal meetings.

Staff members with individual safety concerns related to an in-person meeting should consult with the Executive Director to determine potential modifications to the meeting modality, room set-up, or to identify an alternate meeting host. Accommodations will be made for staff with increased health risks or concerns.

Staff decision-making regarding meeting modality or requirements

Meeting modality is typically determined by the purpose of the meeting or by the member client or consortium preference. WiLS has expertise in conducting most routine business effectively and efficiently through virtual meetings, which in turn may save our members time and money. When meeting business may be conducted in either modality, WiLS will provide a cost comparison to the member client or consortium. 

Contact WiLS at if you have any questions or concerns regarding this policy.