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Posts from the ‘advocate’ Category

Take Action with the National Humanities Alliance

The National Humanities Alliance offers a number of ways to add your voice to others’ supporting and protecting the role of the humanities in public life.  Send pre-written messages to your elected officials opposing the elimination of IMLS, NEH, and international education programs.

Share the Impact of Your Federally-Funded Archives Project

The Society of American Archivists “encourages and supports robust federal funding for grants to archival programs to ensure that the historical record of our collective human experience is preserved and accessible for use by the American public, including teachers and students, scholars, scientists, family historians, the business community, and governments themselves.” Read more about the SAA as well as its position and planned actions to respond to the proposed federal budget.

The SAA is collecting the stories of the impact of federally-funded archives projects from around the country.  Do you have a project to share? Fill out this form to let the world know!

Ask Community Businesses to Support Library Funding Through CCLI

The Corporate Committee for Library Investment (CCLI) is an organization of businesses of all kinds united by the common belief that America’s libraries are business-building, job-creating, workforce-preparing engines of the U.S. economy in every corner of the country. CCLI will work to maximize federal funding for the nation’s libraries by educating Congress and other federal policymakers about the extraordinary value to businesses and taxpayers of federal investment in America’s libraries of all kinds. Read more

2017-2019 State Budget Update and Action

There was an amazing turnout of librarians, trustees and citizen library supporters to provide testimony at six public hearings before the powerful Joint Committee on Finance in April!

The committee of 16 legislators includes 8 each from the senate and assembly (12 from the majority party and 4 from the minority party). Other legislators communicate their priorities to their JFC member “budget buddies.” Read more

Call your Senators to Support Federal Library Funding

The Fight for Libraries! has moved to the United States Senate. On April 26th, two “Dear Appropriator” letters began circulating in the Senate, one seeking $186.6 million for Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) and the other $27 million for the Innovative Approaches to Libraries (IAL) program for FY 2018. Senators Jack Reed (D-RI) and Susan Collins (R-ME) are again championing funds for LSTA, while Senators Reed, Grassley (R-IA) and Stabenow (D-MI) are leading the fight for IAL. Read more

Public Library Stories for National Library Legislative Day

On May 2, 2017, members of the public library community have an opportunity to meet with Congressional leaders in Washington, D.C. to advocate for libraries in Wisconsin. Our public library members are seeking your support in the form of a story (two sentences) and photo to share from each Congressional District on how LSTA and eRate funded projects have impacted patrons.  Read more