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Posts from the ‘OCLC Updates’ Category

WiLS Spring Webinars

In conjunction with our partner OCLC, WiLS is offering four webinars this Spring:  Library Spotlight; OCLC Updating – A Sharing Session; Using the WorldCat Knowledge Base to Save Time and Improve Service; and Best Practices for Managing “Born Digital” Content.

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OCLC Learning Opportunity: Tailoring Assessment Strategies for Your Library

OCLC’s Collective Insight series offers this opportunity to learn to define the practice of assessment, explore what drives a successful assessment program, and identify practical tools and techniques that may be tailored to use in reaching the specific assessment goals of your library.  Join OCLC and the Boston Library Consortium on April 22nd from 830-12:00 ET for this free webinar.

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Get the New Issue of NextSpace

The newest issue of NextSpace has arrived.  Learn the next trend affecting libraries and the next step that will help libraries create value and shape their future in Issue 22 – What keeps you up at night? (And what are you doing about it?) 

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Coming in March 2014: WorldCat Discovery Services

In March 2014, OCLC will release WorldCat Discovery Services, a new suite of cloud-based applications that brings FirstSearch® and WorldCat® Local services together, making it possible for more than 18,000 FirstSearch libraries to offer a richer discovery experience for users.

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CONTENTdm Office Hours

OCLC has announced that it will hold open office hours for CONTENTdm users on a regular basis. There will be two sessions a month, on the second Tuesday and fourth Thursday, starting today!

CONTENTdm “quick start” office hours
Just getting started, or bringing on new staff? Starting January 14 at noon Pacific, Geri Ingram will hold office hours on the second Tuesday of every month.  No registration necessary.

CONTENTdm technical office hours
Got technical questions? Starting January 23 at 11 AM Pacific, Christian Sarason will hold CONTENTdm office hours for open discussions on technical topics – for example, Google Analytics, API integration, customizations, or usability issues.

New OCLC Research Report – Understanding the Collective Collection: Towards a System-wide Perspective on Library Print Collections.

This report brings together the important work that we have done for the community in providing a quantitative, analytic, system-wide view of library collections. This body of work has established an evidence base that has allowed and encouraged libraries to begin the shift from local provisioning of library collections and services to increased reliance on cooperative infrastructure, collective collections, shared technology platforms, and “above-the-institution” management strategies.

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Learning Opportunity – Collective Insight: A Discussion About the Impact of Shared Data on Libraries

You’re invited to attend a virtual networking event to discuss with fellow librarians the impact of shared data on our libraries.

In 2013, the OCLC community explored the concept of shared data and the implications on library success during the Collective Insight series. We discussed topics such as “linked data,” “big data” and “data visualization.” Now, we would like you to join our discussion and share ideas on how you can leverage shared data and strengthen the services you provide.

Date: Tuesday, January 14th, 2014
Time: 2:00 pm ET, 11:00 am PST
Format: One-hour web chat
Learn more here>>

New OCLC Research Report – Starting the Conversation: University-wide Research Data Management Policy

OCLC Research has published a new report, Starting the Conversation: University-wide Research Data Management Policy, written by Senior Program Officer Ricky Erway.

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Upcoming WorldShare Management Services Learning Opportunities

OCLC is offering the following learning opportunities for WorldShare Management Services:

Are you ready to move library services to the cloud?
Date: Tuesday, January 7, 2014
Time: 2:00 pm, Eastern (11:00 am, Pacific)
Register here>>

WorldShare Management Services Live Demonstration: Electronic Collections
Date: Wednesday, January 8, 2014
Time: 2:00 pm, Eastern (11:00 am, Pacific)
Register here>> 

OCLC Publishes 2013 Annual Report

OCLC Publishes 2013 Annual Report

In his first report, which will be mailed to the membership this month, OCLC President and CEO Skip Prichard said that the cooperative’s current work is bold and important and that he is excited about the potential ahead. “Users’ expectations continue to accelerate, driving demand for new services and approaches that are cloud-based, mobile and social. With its new technological platform and cloud-based services, OCLC is well‑positioned and committed to serve libraries in a period of rapid change.”

Read the full report here>>