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WiLS Ideas to Action Fund

The 2022 application period is open through June 6th! Submit your proposal here.

The WiLS Ideas to Action Fund provides grants of up to $5,000 so member organizations can bring their project ideas to life. The Fund encourages partnerships and collaborations among WiLS members and with community partners, supports innovative and exploratory new work, and seeds the development of processes, methods, or resources that can be used by other WiLS members.

The total amount to be awarded this year is $35,000. To date, the WiLS Board has awarded over $120,000 to 30 Wisconsin libraries and cultural organizations.

All WiLS general members are eligible to apply. If you are not a member, it’s free and the application process is quick and easy. Read more about joining WiLS here.

We recognize that sometimes the barrier to completing a project is not lack of funds, but lack of time. Instead of or in addition to funding, members can apply for WiLS staff time to support project planning, facilitation, survey design, marketing, or other project activities.

 Submit a Proposal


Proposals will be reviewed by a panel of WiLS Board members and staff and will be evaluated on the following criteria:

  • Need and audience: What is the need, problem, or challenge the project is addressing and how was that need determined? What are the primary audiences or communities this project will reach, and how will they be involved throughout the project? 
  • Impact: How will other libraries be able to use, borrow, learn from, or adapt your work? What kinds of documentation or other project outputs can be used by other WiLS members?
  • Plan and Timeline: Is there a strong team in place to tackle this project? Are the project scope and scale realistic and appropriate to the timeline and budget?
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Does the project incorporate diverse community voices and perspectives? Do project partners include multi-type libraries or non-library organizations, if relevant? Are community partners involved as equal partners in creating and implementing the project?


  • Complete the project in the timeline you propose (up to two years).
  • Submit brief written reports to WiLS at the midpoint and end of the project.
  • Make project outputs (guidelines, promotional materials, etc.) available to other members via the WiLS website.
  • Collect basic evaluation information throughout the project (e.g. number of event attendees, number of equipment checkouts) and share that data with WiLS in the final report.
  • Organization is expected to lead the project; WiLS staff time, if requested, is to be used for specific activities (planning, facilitation, survey administration, etc.), not overall project management or leadership.

2022 Key Dates

  • April 11: Application period opens
  • June 6: Application period closes
  • June – July: Proposal review
  • August: All applicants notified
  • September: Funds distributed, projects begin

For examples of successfully funded projects, see the proposal for Appleton Public Library’s Piano Project or Tomahawk School District’s 2020 proposal to create an eSports club.

Have questions about WiLS Ideas to Action Funds? Watch our April 2022 webinar with tips for preparing your Ideas to Action Fund proposal or contact us at .

 Submit a Proposal