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WiLSWorld 2017 Workshops

WiLSWorld Workshops – Friday, July 28th

8:30-9:00 Registration and Coffee
9:00-12:00 Morning Workshops
9:00-12:00 Making the Most of Demographic Data for Libraries

Room 226

Malia Jones, Assistant Scientist (Health Geography-GIS), UW-Madison Applied Population Lab

Caitlin McKown, Web Developer, UW-Madison Applied Population Lab

The use of current and reliable demographic data can help library administrators understand the unique and changing needs of their users and to develop effective programming and evaluation. This session will focus on “nuts and bolts” of using demographic information for libraries. We will discuss key sources for data, topics, and variables available from the census and the American Community Survey, and practical approaches to using demographic data. There will be opportunities for hands-on guided interaction and practice with finding, downloading, and using the American FactFinder and other census data sources. All participants should bring a laptop that can connect to the internet and download and open Excel spreadsheets. Also, if you also are signing up for the Tableau workshop to learn how to use that tool to create visualizations of your data, you will be able to use the the data you download from this workshop in the Tableau workshop.

9:00-12:00 Project Management Techniques for Non-Project Managers

Room 225

Dan Kramarz, Project Manager, State of Wisconsin

Throughout the year we are given unique projects that enhance our locations and drive us to go beyond our day to day activities. However, many of these projects are an additional workload and may fall outside of our comfort zone. To assist you in tackling these projects, this workshop will focus on proven principles of project management to help you organize and execute your efforts. Dan Kramarz is a project manager with the State of Wisconsin where he focuses on program development, evaluation, and process improvement initiatives. He has trained and coached hundreds of working professionals in government agencies, university settings, and the private sector on project management, communication skills and decision making.

12:00-1:00 Lunch (on your own)
1:00-4:00 Afternoon Workshops
1:00-4:00 Getting Started with Tableau

Room 226

Kate Clark, Administrative & Operations Coordinator, WiLS

Melody Clark, Community Liaison / Service Specialist, WiLS

Stef Morrill, Director, WiLS

This workshop will provide a hands-on introduction to Tableau, the industry leader in data visualization. By the end of this session, you’ll not only understand what Tableau can do, you’ll have done some of it yourself! You’ll connect data to Tableau, create basic visualizations, develop dashboards, and more. Participants will ideally bring their own laptop, with Tableau installed (we’ll share more details when you register!), but will not need to supply their own data. We’ll be working with demographic data and other sample data sets.


Cancellations must be made at least two business days prior to the event in order to receive a refund. If a registrant cancels less than two working days prior to the date of the event, the registrant remains responsible for payment; no fees will be refunded.

A substitute may take the place of the original registrant, but either the registrant or their institution is responsible for coordinating and communicating changes to WiLS. Cancellations and/or substitutions may be reported to Coop Info.

If an event is canceled by WiLS, due to low registration or inclement weather, registrants will be notified and fees will be refunded.