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WiLSWorld 2018 Workshops

Wednesday, July 25th

8:30-9:00 Registration and Coffee
9:00-12:00 Morning Workshops
9:00-12:00 Kanbans, Kaizens, and Kata: Demystifying Continuous Improvement (Part 1 of 2)

Georgeann Larson, Cataloging and Metadata Specialist, Michigan Technological University

Linnea McGowan Hobmeier, Manager, Resource Access and Discovery Services, Michigan Technological University

Lauren Movlai, Instruction and Learning Librarian, Michigan Technological University

Have you heard these buzzwords during professional development opportunities and wondered what they mean and if they can apply to you? This full-day workshop will explore these Japanese terms and more by delving into the continuous improvement model called Lean. Using hands-on tools and techniques you will learn how to identify roadblocks and streamline processes to improve efficiency across your organization. Participants will leave with an understanding of Lean culture and principles, practical tools that can be used immediately, and suggestions for best practices in solo or group environments.

9:00-12:00 Build a Marketing Plan Like a Pro

Nathan Tredinnick, Communications Manager, Shine United

What does successful marketing look like? What are the questions you should be asking yourself up front when planning a new outreach initiative? Do your current marketing efforts provide the results you want? Have you been asking yourself these questions? (You should be asking yourself these questions.) In this workshop, we’ll discuss strategic marketing including best practices for planning, how to measure success, how to get the most impact for each dollar (or minute) you spend on marketing and what pitfalls to avoid. You’ll walk away with a draft of a marketing plan and pro tips for successfully implementing it.


12:00-1:00 Lunch (on your own)
1:00-4:00 Afternoon Workshops
1:00-4:00 Kanbans, Kaizens, and Kata: Demystifying Continuous Improvement (Part 2 of 2)

Georgeann Larson, Cataloging and Metadata Specialist, Michigan Technological University

Linnea McGowan Hobmeier, Manager, Resource Access and Discovery Services, Michigan Technological University

Lauren Movlai, Instruction and Learning Librarian, Michigan Technological University


Cancellations must be made at least two business days prior to the event in order to receive a refund. If a registrant cancels less than two working days prior to the date of the event, the registrant remains responsible for payment; no fees will be refunded.

A substitute may take the place of the original registrant, but either the registrant or their institution is responsible for coordinating and communicating changes to WiLS. Cancellations and/or substitutions may be reported to Coop Info.

If an event is canceled by WiLS, due to low registration or inclement weather, registrants will be notified and fees will be refunded.