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WiLSWorld 2014 Keynote – Daniel W. Rasmus

Daniel Rasmus Head Shot

WiLS is proud to announce that the opening keynote address for WiLSWorld 2014 will be delivered by Daniel W. Rasmus!

Mr. Rasmus, author of Listening to the Future and Management by Design, is a strategist and industry analyst who helps libraries and other clients put their future in context. Rasmus uses scenarios to analyze trends in society, technology, economics, the environment, and politics in order to discover implications used to develop and refine products, services and experiences.  Rasmus writes regularly about the future at Fast CompanyiPhone LifePopMatters and on his own blog: Your Future in Context. His education related work can be found at Learning Reimagined.

Rasmus is an internationally recognized speaker. He has addressed audiences at Enterprise 2.0, CeBIT, UBTech, The Front End of Innovation, The National Association of Workforce Boards, ProjectWorld, KMWorld, SAE International, The CIO Association of Canada and Future Trends.  He has recently spoken on the future of libraries at Computers in Libraries, the Minitex Annual ILL Conference, and the Library Directors’ Digital Strategy Summit.

Prior to starting his own consulting practice, Rasmus was the Director of Business Insights at Microsoft Corporation, where he helped the company envision how people will work in the future.  Rasmus developed the MicrosoftOffice Information Worker Board of the Future, and was the Center for Information Work’s creative leader. Before joining Microsoft, Rasmus was Vice President and Research Director for Collaboration and Knowledge Management at Forrester Research Inc.

Rasmus attended the University of California at Santa Cruz and received a certificate in intelligent systems engineering from the University of California at Irvine. He is the former Visiting Liberal Arts Fellow at Bellevue College in Bellevue, WA where he continues to teach strategy and social media.

You can read more about Daniel Rasmus at his site.