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An Update from Curating Indigenous Digital Collections

Sarah Lundquist

by Sarah Lundquist, Curating Indigenous Digital Collections Fellow

My position as Curating Indigenous Digital Collections (CIDC) Fellow with WiLS began in May 2021. Now approaching the New Year, the fellowship has just recently passed the halfway mark! This is a perfect opportunity to reflect and share on the progress of my work in this role so far. Read more

WiLS Ideas to Action Fund 2020: Reflections from Recipients

In September 2020, the WiLS Board was thrilled to provide planning and financial support to seven WiLS members throughout the state to pursue innovative and collaborative projects.  A key component of WiLS’ Ideas to Action fund is that recipients share their experiences and outcomes with our community in order to inspire ideas, improve services, and generally help move the field forward. Read more

IMLS APP Cohort: Celebrating two years of community memory work

In Fall 2019, WiLS began a cooperative agreement with the Institute for Museum and Library Services (IMLS) to mentor a cohort of ten small, rural, and tribal libraries around the country awarded grants for community memory projects. This summer, as they head into the home stretch of their grants, cohort members have shared short presentations in our monthly virtual meetings. We asked them to highlight key aspects of their community memory projects — a success they’re particularly proud of, a challenge and how they addressed it, or how they pivoted their project to accommodate the impact of COVID-19 on their library and community. Here is a summary of their “showcase” presentations.

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