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WiLS January – June 2018 WiLS Staff Presentations

WAPL 2018 Notable Reports Panel

Delivered for WAPL 2018 in Pewaukee on May 4th, 2018
by Beth Carpenter, Appleton Pubic Library; Emily Vieyra, Shorewood Public Library; Jacqueline Flavin, Demco; Andrea Coffin, WiLS; Sara Gold, WiLS

Affordability Beyond Open

Delivered for the 2018 Effordability Summit at UW-Menomonee on March 27th, 2018
by Jeff Brunner, Community Liaison / Service Specialist, WiLS

Mukurtu Hubs & Spokes: A Sustainable Platform for Community Digital Archiving

Delivered for the Midwest Archives Conference in Chicago on March 22, 2018 by Erin F.H. Hughes, Mukurtu Hub Manager, WiLS

Curating Community Digital Collections

Delivered for the DPLA Members Meeting, March 13th, 2018 in Atlanta, GA
by Emily Pfotenhauer, Recollection Wisconsin Program Manager, WiLS