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Experts Connection

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About WiLS’ Experts Connection Service

There are times when you need help on a project or process, but don’t have the expertise you need or the time or money to research and select consultants.  WiLS can help you find that expertise, from vetted outside consultants and from within the great wealth of knowledge and experience of our member base.

WiLS can help you connect to these experts and also help you use this expertise most efficiently by developing project plans and facilitating project management.  Currently, WiLS has enlisted or can help find expertise in the following areas:

Application Development / Programming
Building and Remodeling
Cataloging and Metadata
Copyright and Licensing
Data and Business Analytics
Grant Research and Writing

Library management
Marketing and Branding
Policy Planning and Writing
RFP development
Strategic planning
Technology Planning
Web Design and Development
Workflow Efficiency

If you are looking for help in any of these areas, or in any area not listed here, please let us know.

Additionally, WiLS is committed to leveraging the talents of its members.  If you have expertise you’d like to share with the library community, please fill out this form and we will follow up with you.  The information you share in this form will only be used internally by WiLS and will not be made public.  For more information or if you have any questions about WiLS Experts Connection Service, please contact us at .

Results from WiLS’ Experts Connection Service

Kenosha Technical Services/Collection Development workflow analysis:  WiLS located and connected the Kenosha Public Library to expertise in the reorganization of their technical services and collections areas and facilitated the project process.

“What a great comfort to know WiLS is there to provide this type of expertise brokering. I now move forward comfortably knowing I can call whenever I need outside unbiased counsel on organizational development. Thank you!”

Barbara Brattin, Director, Kenosha Public Library

Beloit Website Redesign:  WiLS helped facilitate the redesign of the Beloit Public Library website by connecting the library to web designers from within the community, by managing the process, and providing communication between all parties involved.

“We did not know where to begin, how hectic, or time consuming this project would be for us. WiLS took the lead with all aspects which allowed us to continue our real jobs and not be bogged down in a website redesign project.”

Wyatt Ditzler, Beloit Public Library