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Library Type:  Academic, Special
License Agreement: Signed May 2018
Contact:  Jeff Brunner at or 414-367-9457; Andrea Coffin at or 414-979-9457

Vendor Description

William S. Hein & Co., Inc. has been serving the library community for more than 95 years as a legal publisher, periodical subscription agent, and the world’s largest distributor of legal periodicals. Their research and reference tools for law, international relations, political science, and foreign affairs are among their most important contributions to the publishing world.

Taco Tuesday
February 2019, HeinOnline Academic: Watch the recording

Products Available

HeinOnline’s Government, Politics & Law

HeinOnline’s Government, Politics & Law contains more than 100 million pages of content across 156,000 titles and 310,000 volumes. HeinOnline bridges the gap in history by providing comprehensive coverage from inception of more than 2,500 periodicals. In addition to its vast collection of journals, the database also contains the Congressional Record bound volumes in entirety, complete coverage of the U.S. Reports back to 1754, constitutions for every country in the world, classic books from the 18th & 19th centuries, all United States Treaties, the Federal Register and CFR from inception, and much more!