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Subscribing to MyWiLS

One of our flagship programs is our cooperative purchasing program, available through an annual MyWiLS subscription, which offers significant discounts on electronic resources and other useful products for libraries. A subscription to MyWiLS is your gateway to:

  • WiLS pricing and consortial discounts for your subscription products.
  • Discounts for non-subscription products, including print books through Mackin and Follett, supplies through Demco, and much more.
  • Trials for new products.
  • Management of the renewal process for your subscription products by WiLS staff, including quote requests, price and licensing negotiation
  • Access to your current and past orders, with information about invoicing status. Invoicing will continue to be done the way you request.
  • Deposit accounts

The annual subscription for K12, public, and special libraries is $199 per year. For academic institutions, the annual cost is determined by FTE and the number of subscriptions ordered through WiLS. Contact us at for more information on annual MyWiLS subscription pricing.

See our WiLS Vendor Partners for a complete list of the vendors we work with today (and it’s always growing).

Complete the MyWiLS Subscription Form to subscribe or renew!