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Library Type: Public, K-12, Academic, Special
License Agreement: N/A (Direct Order)
Contact: Contact Karri Sites at (800)848-5878 or to order and mention you are a WiLS Member for an additional 10% off.

Vendor Description

OCLC is a global library cooperative that provides shared technology services, original research and community programs for its membership and the library community at large. OCLC staff members are librarians, technologists, researchers, pioneers, leaders and learners. With thousands of library members in more than 100 countries, OCLC aims to make information more accessible and more useful.

Products Available


QuestionPoint provides a complete virtual reference management system, integrating chat, e-mail, a reference knowledge base, reports and analytic tools to give you a complete view of reference activity. Expand your hours of service to offer live help anytime through membership in the 24/7 Reference Cooperative.

QuestionPoint is different because it’s based on sharing—with the library down the street, on the other side of the state or across the globe. By sharing staff time, QuestionPoint libraries can extend their hours of online service and join a global community of reference professionals. QuestionPoint’s flexible group options allow libraries to support existing relationships (within a library system, local consortium or statewide group, for example), while participating in the global QuestionPoint cooperative. And for libraries needing around-the-clock service, QuestionPoint offers backup coverage 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for your users—a level of customer service that more and more people are coming to expect.

QuestionPoint includes access to both local and global knowledge bases added by member libraries. Your library can maintain a local knowledge base for itself or as part of a group—a key reference resource customized to your library and your users’ needs. You can also use and contribute to the global reference knowledge base that is cooperatively built by all QuestionPoint members.