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Events and Education

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You want to continue to learn and grow, and we want to help!

WiLS aims to be responsive to your professional development needs. In addition to helping you grow skills and learn about new trends and ideas, our events also build relationships and foster collaboration.

WiLS’ yearly events include:

  • Peer Council, a forum for the technical services
  • WiLSWorld, a library technology and innovation conference
  • Regional Meetings, held in multiple locations across the state, to educate and connect members around issues important to them
  • WiLS Annual Membership Meetings, held virtually in February
  • WiLSWorld Shorts, free, quarterly webinars held throughout the year

We also host other learning opportunities to meet member interest and needs. Let us know if you are interested in learning more about a particular topic!

Read more about all WiLS’ Events or see our upcoming events calendar.