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Peer Council Meeting—June 4, 2014

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June 4th 2014
Pyle Center, Room 313
Madison, WI


We are very excited for this year’s Peer Council meeting, and we hope it will be both educational and inspirational.  We are pleased to announce this year’s keynote speaker, Matthew Goldner.  Matt Goldner joined OCLC in October 2004 and is currently the Product & Technology Advocate for the library community.  Read more about Matt here.

8:30-9:00  Sign-in and coffee

9:00-9:15  Welcome and housekeeping

9:15-10:15  Keynote:  The Current State of Library Discovery

Matthew Goldner, Product and Technology Advocate, OCLC

Matthew Goldner presents a brief overview of the evolution of library discovery, a look at current generation discovery services, and a more detailed explanation of OCLC’s new WorldCat Discovery service in that context.

10:15-10:30  Break

10:30-11:15  Understanding Users’ Searching Habits to Improve Discovery

Lori Roholt, MORE Administrator, Indianhead Federated Library System
David Lee, Computer Programmer, Shared Development Group, Memorial Library

Indianhead Federated Library System’s MORE ILS consortium staff, represented by Lori Roholt, has taken a basic approach to understanding catalog use based on ILS reporting tools and Google Analytics, supplemented by observations from library staff. The approach is an informal, low-investment method for gaining a top-level understanding of usage patterns to inform site design and development, as well as instruction.

The Shared Development Group investigated how users searched the Forward catalog, and David Lee explains how, what tools were used, the trends identified, and areas the SDG would like to improve based on what they learned.

11:15-12:00  Ebooks and the Many Ways to Get Them

Barbara Hamel, Head of Collection Services, Steenbock Memorial Library
Jody Hoesly, Assistant Director of Information Services, Wendt Commons
Sara Gold, Community Liaison / Service Specialist, WiLS

The ebook world is diverse and complex. In this presentation, Judy Hoesly and Barb Hamel will discuss how academic business models and platforms impact selection, acquisitions, discovery and assessment in the lifecycle of academic ebooks.

Sara Gold will discuss her experience with various ebook purchase and licensing models for the Wisconsin Public Library Consortium (WPLC) and the WPLC Digital Library (OverDrive).

12:00-1:15  Lunch @ the Pyle Center

1:15-2:00  Linked Data’s Many Forms

Matthew Goldner, Product and Technology Advocate, OCLC
Deb Shapiro, Coordinator, Distance M.A. Program & Instructor, SLIS
Dorothea Salo, Faculty Associate, SLIS

Matthew Goldner, OCLC Product and Technology Advocate, will explain OCLC’s approach to the use of linked data and its involvement with and BIBFRAME.

Deb Shapiro helps us understand BIBFRAME, its benefits & disadvantages, and an advance peek at the BIBFRAME editor, currently in development.

If you’re baffled by BIBFRAME and disenchanted by linked data and wondering where the real action is, Dorothea Salo is here to show you that it’s in Europe.  Learn more from her trip to Hamburg, Germany for the Semantic Web in Libraries conference.

2:15-3:00   What’s New with DPLA?

Amy Rudersdorf, Assistant Director for Content, DPLA

The presentation will provide an overview of DPLA, including the current partnership model and future plans for growth. The talk will also describe DPLA’s infrastructure and technologies, metadata model, open access and rights policies, as well as DPLA outreach and engagement programs.

3:00-3:30  Cookies!

3:30  Tech Services on the Terrace

WiLS was joined in coordinating this meeting with a very competent and engaged planning committee.  Very special thanks to:

  • Cat Phan (UW-Madison)
  • Karen Rattunde (UW-Madison)
  • Alison Ross (Eastern Shores Library System)
  • Deb Shapiro (UW-Madison)
  • Carl Ziebell (Ripon College)