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Posts tagged ‘k12’

Teen Health and Wellness is 10!

Join us in celebrating 10 years of Teen Health & Wellness, providing teens with nonjudgmental, straightforward curricular and self-help support. Follow along as we count down our top 10 reasons to love Teen Health & Wellness.

Reason #10: Teens in Their Own Words

Teens have shared their poignant and personal stories in Teen Health & Wellness since the beginning. Sharing challenges confronted and overcome is more than empowering; it’s a way to connect with others and say, “You are not alone.”

Bullying – Jordan’s Story: “In some way, everyone has been bullied before. Whether through words or actions…you know that what they did was wrong, and you didn’t like it.” Read more.

Coming Out – Alec’s Story: “I share my story with my listeners hoping to make a difference. I know that somewhere…there is a boy or girl going through similar situations as I did.” Read more.

Being Adopted – Rebecca’s Story: “She wasn’t coming…No birth mom, no half brother, and no other family. She didn’t even call. She left me for the second time in my life.” Read more.

Explore Teen Health and Wellness for free:

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For questions, please contact Sara Gold at .

Rosen Digital Literacy: Your Facts Against Fake News

Fact or Fiction?

How can phony “facts” be distinguished from real ones? Reliable sources give attribution for things they say—they make it a point to let us know where the information came from so that we can check it for ourselves.

Rosen’s Digital Literacy helps students learn to evaluate information sources accurately, making them better consumers of news.

For a free trial, please see: For pricing, please use our price quote request form:

Questions? Please contact Sara Gold at