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UMDCC 2016 Workshops

Three concurrent hands-on workshops will be offered on Wednesday, August 10 from 8:30-11:30am. You must be registered to attend a workshop. All workshops have a $35.00 registration fee.

The Oral History Metadata Synchronizer at Scale: Implementing an OHMS Workflow

Oral histories provide valuable research material, but can be difficult to present effectively in an online environment. In this workshop, presenters will demonstrate workflows and tools aimed at making oral histories discoverable and usable in a digital collections environment using the Oral History Metadata Synchronizer (OHMS) and other tools. The workshop will include an introduction to the OHMS working environment, as well as the tools necessary for OHMS to function embedded in a CMS. Attendees will work with presenters through a step-by-stop process from the the preparation of a digital oral history object, to the creation of an OHMS record, including indexing, syncing, and web object creation. The workshop will include hands-on exercises and demonstrations. Throughout, the presenters will share their experiences implementing OHMS at University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and integrating OHMS into the UWM Digital Collections, with a focus on the development of workflows designed to make OHMS, and oral histories, accessible online at scale and in a sustainable manner.

Instructors: Ann Hanlon, Head of Digital Collections and Initiatives, UW-Milwaukee & Charles Hosale, AV Project Archivist, UW-Milwaukee

Expanding Your Toolkit: Useful Tools for Managing Born-Digital Content

Digital materials are quickly becoming a regular part of content we need to manage for the long-term. Most of us do not have one master tool or application to use to complete all actions necessary for our work; we rely on a larger suite of available tools. In this session, walk through the life cycle of a digital object and use tools to address various issues including how to capture information to create an inventory, collect metadata, transfer files, address inconsistencies and duplicates, and monitor fixity/stability over time. Time will allow for the use of tools with a sample set of files.

Instructor: Carol Kussmann, Digital Preservation Analyst, University of Minnesota Libraries

Copyright and Related Issues in Digital Content

Understanding copyright concepts like the public domain, fair use, and licensing is essential to creating, using, and sharing digital content. This session includes an update on case law that may impact the applicability of fair use in digitization, some exploration of Creative Commons licenses and other contracts that affect copyright-like concerns, and an introduction to new standards in development for communicating copyright status of digital objects to patrons. There will be opportunities for interactive discussion, to make this session valuable for novices and experienced practitioners alike.

Instructor: Nancy Sims, Copyright Program Librarian, University of Minnesota