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WiLSWorld 2016 Workshops

The WiLSWorld 2016 Workshops will be held on Wednesday, August 3rd, and are a mix of half- and full-day workshops.  Please contact Andrea Coffin at  with any questions.

8:30-9:00 Registration and Coffee
9:00-12:00 Morning Workshops
9:00-12:00 Data 101

Cost: $40

Joshua Morrill, Senior Information Processing Consultant, UW-Madison

Libraries gather and interpret data for a variety of purposes: to evaluate the content and accessibility of products bought for users, to understand community dynamics and demographics, to identify new services or improvements to existing ones, and much more. In the haystack of numbers available to library professionals, how do we identify the needles, and how do we polish them? This workshop will help you evaluate data quality and communicate it effectively to a variety of stakeholders.

This morning workshop is available as a standalone program, or can be taken in conjunction with the afternoon workshop, Infographics: Turning Data into Narrative, to expand your data skills.

9:00-12:00 Design Thinking for Library Innovation

Cost: $90

Roshelle Ritzenthaler, Design Strategist, Design Concepts
Stefanie Norvaisas, Director of Research & Design Strategy & Principal, Design Concepts
Victoria Weaver, Design Researcher, Design Concepts

Design Concepts, a product design and innovation consulting firm based in Madison, is pleased to partner with WiLS to present a Design Thinking for Library Innovation workshop at WiLS World 2016. Design Thinking is a creative approach to solving problems in a holistic and human-centered way. In this hands-on workshop, we will apply Design Thinking methods to address the challenges facing libraries. Participants will gain an understanding of a framework and process for innovation, and practice techniques including research, analysis, brainstorming, and storytelling to generate inspired solutions.

This is a full-day workshop.

9:00-12:00 Bringing Coding to Your Library

Cost: $40

Ryan Claringbole, Public Library Technology Consultant, Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction
Melody Clark, Community Liaison/Service Specialist, WiLS

WisCode Literati wants to increase code literacy by enabling librarians to bring coding into their libraries. Come learn about why code literacy is important and the resources offered to make it easy for you. This session will be a presentation with hands-on time to try out coding kits. Some devices will be available, but feel free to bring your own device.

12:00-1:00 Lunch (on your own)
1:00-4:00 Afternoon Workshops
1:00-4:00 Infographics: Turning Data into Narrative

Cost: $40

Mark Neufeld, DoIT Academic Technology, UW-Madison

The purpose of gathering data is to tell the story of your library.  Those who make library budget decisions and end users of the library don’t have the time or necessarily the inclination to read your annual reports or statistical analyses.  Infographics allow you to let these important stakeholders know what you are doing and what impact you are having on your community by turning key pieces of your data into easily-digestible human stories with emotional weight and a potential call to action.  This workshop will help you understand the processes and tools for creating effective infographics so you can make your library more visible to your community by telling its story.

1:00-4:00 Design Thinking for Library Innovation (continued)


Online events: Online event registration will be closed 2 business days before the event. Refunds will not be given for online events. Archives will be made available to registrants shortly after the event. These archives should be available for a full year. For questions on online registration, please contact Coop Info.

In person events: Cancellations must be made at least two business days prior to the event in order to receive a refund. If a registrant cancels less than two working days prior to the date of the event, the registrant remains responsible for payment; no fees will be refunded.

A substitute may take the place of the original registrant, but either the registrant or their institution is responsible for coordinating and communicating changes to WiLS. Cancellations and/or substitutions may be reported to Coop Info.

If an event is canceled by WiLS, due to low registration or inclement weather, registrants will be notified and fees will be refunded.