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WiLSWorld Preconference Workshop – How to Hack It: An Intro to Coding With the WorldCat Search API

Monday, July 28th

9:00 am-5:00 pm Preconference

How to Hack It: An Intro to Coding With the WorldCat Search API

At the Madison Public Library – Central Library, Third Floor Community Room

Join Steve Meyer from the OCLC Developer Network for a beginner-level session that will take you from programming concepts to hackathon participant in a single day. We’ll spend the first part of the day walking through the building blocks of coding a simple search interface for the WorldCat Search API. In the afternoon, we’ll help you use that knowledge to add more functionality to that interface, creating your own working search application.

This class will assume you have a working familiarity with HTML, simple CSS and XML. We will build on this basic knowledge by adding computer programming – in this case, PHP – to your toolbox. A basic understanding of programming concepts like variables, conditional logic and looping through data structures will help you keep up, but no coding experience is required. If that sounds like you (or a state you aspire to!), come spend the day with us and turn working knowledge into a working application.

Registration is FREE but space is limited!  Register for WiLSWorld today before seats are full.


The WiLSWorld Preconference API Hacakthon Workshop, which is next Monday, July 28th, will be held in the Community Room of Madison Public Library’s Central location:  The workshop room is located on the third floor of the building.  The session will run from 9:00am to 5:00pm. Breakfast is provided, but lunch will be on your own, so you can explore some of Madison’s lovely downtown restaurants.

Here is some important information for you about the event regarding parking, construction, software you should install before the workshop, and some resources for background and further exploration.


Public parking is available at the Overture Center Parking Ramp ( , located very close to the library.  However….


Summer in Madison can only mean one thing – lots of torn up roads.  Right now, that does’t appear to affect the area near the library, but this can change with impressive quickness. For information on road construction, see the “Downtown Projects” on this page:

Software and wskey (please install and get a wskey before the workshop)

You will need to have a working PHP environment on the computer you bring to the event. Installing the programming environment is beyond the scope of the session, so be sure to have it set up prior to the event. We recommend using Bitnami, which is quick and easy to install and uninstall.

MAMP (Mac):
WAMP (Windows):

Be sure to take note where it installs so you know where your htdocs directory is located. Put your documents in this location (e.g. on a Mac, it’s /Applications/mampstack-[version-number]/apache2/htdocs).

Accessing the OCLC API requires a wskey (web services key).  If you do not already have a account, please visit and create an account. Next, send an email to  with the subject line “WiLSWorld Pre-Conference”. Include username in the body of the email. The OCLC Developer Network team will create a WSKey for your use at the workshop. Watch your email for the follow up notification so you can access it easily on the day.

Though you will be able to participate in the workshop with only basic knowledge of HTML / XML, here are some resources for further exploring and understanding the functions of APIs.

Please contact Andrea Coffin () if you have any questions.

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