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WiLS Monthly Invoice Statements

We are now offering you the opportunity to receive monthly statements of your invoice account through WiLS. There are three types of statements you can receive:  open items, monthly balance, and current fiscal year (see details in the form below).

Any statements you choose to receive will be emailed to you on the first business day of each month.

The statements will be attached to automated emails, and we cannot change the subject or body of the email messages. The emails may look a little like spam, but we assure you they’re not. Here is what they will look like:

Subject: Statement

Attached is Statement from WiLS

To view the attachment, you must have the Adobe® Reader® software installed on your computer. To get a free version of this software from Adobe, click here:

If you are interested in receiving any of the monthly statements, please complete the form below. If you sign up after the first business day of the month, your statements will begin the following month. Please contact Coop Info if you wish to receive your first statement sooner. You can stop or change this service at any time by sending an email to Coop Info at .