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Potential Vendor Partner: RedLink

WiLS has been in talks with a potential new vendor partner: RedLink. RedLink provides a new and innovative approach to accessing and interpreting your library’s electronic resource usage data. We know that our members are looking for a new way to communicate the value of library resources. Could you use a tool to help you assess usage of library E-resources? We think RedLink Library Dashboard may be the solution.

RedLink Library Dashboard provides a complete overview of journal, eBook, and database usage and turn-away statistics as well as cost data, helping inform collection development decisions. Library Dashboard automatically ingests usage data and organizes the data in terms of title, bundle, provider, and discipline. Integrations are in place with over 300 publishers and providers, and data sources are updated at least monthly, and often more frequently. Through data visualization tools, Library Dashboard provides a clear picture of trending usage and denial statistics.

While the resource is currently geared to academic and special libraries, we’re also interested in helping RedLink reach K12 and public libraries. All are welcome to the webinars!

WiLS members will have an opportunity to see RedLink Library Dashboard in action via two online webinars. Details about those sessions are below.

RedLink Webinar for WiLS Member
Date: May 12th, 2020
Time: 10:00 AM Central
Register Here
*After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

RedLink Webinar for WiLS Member
Date: May 14th, 2020
Time: 2:00 PM Central
Register Here
*After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

We’ll record at least one of the sessions and share links to the recording as well

For more information please check out their flyer or contact Jeff Brunner ().



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