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WiLS Spring Webinars

In conjunction with our partner OCLC, WiLS is offering four webinars this Spring:  Library Spotlight; OCLC Updating – A Sharing Session; Using the WorldCat Knowledge Base to Save Time and Improve Service; and Best Practices for Managing “Born Digital” Content.

April 11, 1:00
Library Spotlight
Library Spotlight is a free, innovative service from OCLC where a library enters information into a profile.  That information is then available through Yelp, OCLC WorldCat, a mobile hours widget, and more. OCLC is working with other partners to increase the reach of Library Spotlight data to other search engines and online partners.
Shelley Hostetler, the project manager for Library Spotlight, will be hosting a one hour session on Friday, April 11, 2014 at 1:00. The webinar will give libraries the opportunity to learn more about the features and benefits of the service, as well as how Library Spotlight can help you increase your visibility on the web.  Shelley will also answer questions and listen to feedback about the service.  Link to recording

April 21, 1:00
OCLC Updating – A Sharing Session
Libraries have established their own unique workflows and tips and tricks for using OCLC tools to maintain their holdings…and wouldn’t it be great if we could share those things we’ve learned with others, and learn from them, too? Well, now you can! We invite your library to share your best practices and to hear what others are doing to update and manage bibliographic data.

May 21, 1:00
Using the WorldCat Knowledge Base to Save Time and Improve Service
The WorldCat knowledge base combines data about your library’s electronic resources and linking features, enabling fast, reliable access while helping you better manage workflows associated with these materials. Mitchell Scott, UW-Green Bay, will share how he has improve the efficiency and response time of his ILL operation by using the Knowledge Base (and why he wants you to use it, too!). Jennifer Nelson, Viterbo University, will share how they have used the Knowledge Base to improve resource discovery for patrons. Audio recording | Slides from Jennifer | Slides from Mitchell

June 24, 1:00
Best Practices for Managing “Born Digital” Content
Emily Pfotenhauer will share information and best practices for managing information that is created and maintained digitally, using information from the Library of Congress Digital Preservation Outreach and Education (DPOE) Program and the OCLC “Born Digital” reports. Register today!

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