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Annual ILL Meeting—October 9, 2012

Held Tuesday, October 9, 2012 at the Pyle Center in Madison


9:30-10:45 – A Conversation with Your Colleagues
This session will be moderated by Eric Robinson from WiLS, Leigh Dorsey from UW-Milwaukee, and Theresa Biele from Hedberg Library in Janesville.

Join us for our conversational morning session where you will get a chance to discuss your challenges today and ways to improve your day-to-day work with ILL colleagues. Moderated groups for academic and public ILL librarians will give you a chance to “talk shop” and get to know colleagues you may have not meet before in person. Bring your concerns and questions.

Possible topics within these groups will be:

  • How do you handle working with electronic resources in borrowing and lending?
  • Do you think a commitment to ‘best practices’ (such as 24-48 hour turnaround time) amongst one another is a good and feasible idea?
  • Are you providing a  document delivery service?
  • How are student/volunteer staff being utilized in your workflow?
  • How do you handle paying (or not) copyright?
  • Are there technical issues in your day-to-day work that you would like ideas on how to resolve?

10:45-11:00 Break

11:00-12:00 – Tour of Memorial Library
We will break up into small groups for a tour of Memorial Library.  Memorial is the principal research library on campus for the humanities and social sciences. Housing more than three million volumes on 78.5 miles of shelving, it is the largest single collection in Wisconsin.

12:00-1:00 – Buffet Lunch at Pyle Center

In the afternoon you have the choice of attending either the OCLC or Wiscat track.


1:00-2:00 – What’s New at OCLC ILL (pdf)
Mark Beatty, WiLS

That familiar and comfy OCLC WorldCat Resource Sharing ILL system we are so used to is moving to a whole new platform and interface.  The anticipated time frame for most libraries to move to the new WorldShare ILL platform is set to  begin in January/February 2013 and continue ongoing for about another year. That’s coming up really fast.  Meanwhile the fast pace introductions of new enhancements to OCLC ILL continues and we’ll talk about those too.  Find out the scoop at this session by Mark Beatty of WiLS, one of the new WorldShare Management System ILL trainers.  Show up and be prepared for all the excitement.

2:00-2:15 – Break

2:15-3:30 – Speed Dating

A) OCLC Article Exchange:  Does It Live up to the Hype? (pdf)
Sara Stichert, UW-Oshkosh

UW Oshkosh recently started using OCLC Article Exchange to deliver articles in a convenient way to those institutions which do not have  Odyssey as a delivery method.  We are an ILLiad using library, but this  presentation does not just apply to those who use ILLiad.  While it took a  little bit of extra work to get it working just right on the part of the ILL Coordinator, we are finding it has been really worth the extra work.  It has provided a secure way to deliver large files that our email would otherwise have rejected due to file size restrictions.  And the best part is the price—FREE to all libraries who currently use OCLC!

B) Top Ten Ways to Find, Hire, and Keep Great Student Employees (pdf)
Joy Pohlman, WiLS

For many ILL operations in libraries, student employees are the lifeblood of the day to day work. Learn some great tips on how to create and cultivate an efficient student workforce.

C) And Now for Something Completely Different: Transitioning to Resource Sharing in Wisconsin (pdf)
Mitchell Scott, UW-Green Bay

Earlier this year Mitchell moved from Louisville, Kentucky to Green Bay to take over as UW-GB’s resource sharing librarian. In his presentation, he’ll discuss his transition to resource sharing in Wisconsin, within the  UW-system, moving from OCLC resource sharing to ILLIAD, and how his resource sharing experiences in Kentucky have translated to UW-GB. Finally, Mitchell will discuss changes he made in the UW-GB ILL department and current and future plans for improvement.

Wiscat TRACK

1:00-2:00 – Auto-Graphics New Resource Sharing Platform, SHAREit™ (pdf)

Mary Clark – Auto-Graphics, Product Manager

Mary will give an overview and demonstration of their new HTML5 discovery platform called SHAREit™ which will soon be available to be implemented  for  WISCAT resource sharing libraries.  New features include improved search capabilities, clustered results sets designed to bring all formats of a title together, faceted results from Z39.50 catalogs and more.

2:00-2:15 – Break

2:15-3:30  Speed Dating

A)   WISCAT Tips and Tricks

Vickie Long – Resources for Libraries & Lifelong Learning, WISCAT Training and Technical Support

Learn how to search effectively and manage your ILL requests in the most efficient way.

B) Wisconsin Resource Sharing Guidelines 2012 – Best Practices (pdf)

Maureen Welch  – Indianhead Library System – Interlibrary Loan Coordinator

The Wisconsin Interlibrary Loan Guidelines were revised in 2012.  Maureen Welch will discuss the Resource Sharing Best Practices for Library Staff section of the revised guidelines – what was removed, added, and linked.  Maureen is the Reference & Interlibrary Loan Coordinator at the Indianhead Federated Library System (Eau Claire), has worked in the Wisconsin interlibrary loan community for 20 years, and was a member of the Guidelines Revision committee.

C) The Changing Role of Interlibrary Loan (hint:  It doesn’t involve a loan!) (pdf)

Christine Barth  – Resources for Libraries & Lifelong Learning, Interlibrary Loan Coordinator

With the proliferation of digital information sources, many freely available on the internet, interlibrary loan staff are becoming search experts. They are providing a new type of reference service and filling interlibrary loan requests from online resources.

D)   Genealogy and Interlibrary Loan

Lori Bessler  – Wisconsin Historical Society Library Archives, Reference Librarian

The Library Archives at the Wisconsin Historical Society holds one of the top 5 genealogical collections in North America.  With all of these resources available, it can be difficult to understand what can loan and what cannot, how easy or difficult it is to find something to then copy and send through ILL as well as just what genealogical records WHS has in its collections and what information these records provide.  This presentation will give more details about what a genealogist is asking and what can be delivered to them via ILL as well as other locations that hold genealogical collections and services.